“There is no such thing as race. None.
There is just a human race - scientifically, anthropologically” 

Toni Morrison

Living in a racialised world distorts and limits the way all humans connect, identify and thrive. We believe the only way to impact-fully and sustainably end radicalisation is through holistic conscious activism that galvanises minds and hearts. 

We work with individuals and groups, in both community and corporate spaces, to empower and inspire people to think, feel and act more deeply about race than ever before.

To fulfil our global vision to end racialised thinking and internalised racism, we combine Eastern and Western well-being techniques, sciences and philosophies combined with myth-busting to connect people more deeply to themselves and each other. Our results drive individual transformation and collective healing. 

We’re not here to tick boxes, we’re here to change the world. We don’t start with policy making, we start with Humanity - because it works.